Our Results

On this page you can find out more about we are producing and developing as part of the ELDeM YOU project. The page is structured by providing you with a short description on each result, afterwards featuring a link to access the respective tool.

Some tools might not be available at this point. They will have a notice with information when the finalised materials can be expected.

All results are available in English, German, Dutch, Spanish, and Ukrainian.

Ready to discover?

ELDeM YOU Method

We provide you with a basic concept for the newly developed approach of the European Life Design Method for Youth, explaining how the Life Design approach can be adapted to the needs and requirements of young people and how they can be supported in their professional life.

ELDeM YOU Basic concept (English)

ELDeM YOU Guideline

Based on the insights of the basic concept, the guidelines provide a structure and overview for youth workers on how the method can be applied with their young people. The guidelines include background information, practical excamples, methods, and tips and tricks for a successful application.

ELDeM YOU Guide (English)
ELDeM YOU Worksheets (English)

Digital ELDeM YOU tool

Combining the approach, the method, and providing practical examples, we offer a digital e-learning tool which includes resources for youth workers and young people to increase inclusion and employability for young people and guidance in how to find a suitable and motivating job in Europe.

Due to the current situation and the challenges, faced by many young people fleeing from Ukraine, in their countries of residence, the ELDeM YOU guide is also available for download in Ukrainian.

У зв’язку з поточною ситуацією та проблемами, з якими багато молодих вимушених переселенців із України стикається в країнах свого тимчасового перебування, посібник ELDeM YOU також доступний для завантаження українською мовою.

ELDeM YOU Guide (українська)
ELDeM YOU Робочі аркуші (українська)

To provide you with the best tools and resources, we are also commited towards…


The project results will be published in all partner languages, as well as English and Ukrainian, with all partner promoting the project and its resources on a national and European level.

Quality Monitoring

All results will be developed in collaboration with scientific experts and will be monitored and checked for quality, including quality of impact, effectivity, proofreading, and adaptations to national context.


Being a European project, ELDeM YOU combines the efforts of five different organisations from four different countries, connecting their work and increasing transnational collaboration and teamwork.